Whether it’s for you or for your clients an effective entrance mat can improve indoor air quality and minimise maintenance costs over the life of a building.
Selecting an entrance mat to fit the form and function of your building is easy with CS Pedisystems. From the most luxurious entrance to the more modest, there is a CS entrance mat for every project and budget.
Our range of entrance matting systems are designed to remove dirt and moisture at the entrance, helping you; reduce slip incidents on internal floors, extend the life of interior floor finishes and minimise internal cleaning costs.
Consider a Zonal Approach to Entrance Flooring
Our product range puts the emphasis on an Entrance Flooring System, a zonal solution approach designed to protect interior floor coverings throughout the building, by efficiently removing dirt and moisture from feet and wheeled traffic.

Zone 1 - Exterior
Example Specification:
Product Reference: CS Pediluxe
Finish: Mill Finished Aluminium
Tread Type: Exterior Grade Carpet
Spline: Closed, Black
Endfiller Colour: Black

Zone 2 - Primary
Example Specification:
Product Reference: CS Pediluxe
Finish: Mill Finished Aluminium
Tread Type: Interior Grade Carpet
Spline: Closed, Black
Endfiller Colour: Black

Zone 3 - Clean-off
Example Specification:
Product Reference: CS Tetras Tiles
Finish: N/A
Tread Type: Carpet Tile
Spline: N/A
Endfiller Colour: N/A