Choosing an expansion joint cover manufacturer that can help you specify the correct expansion joint cover for your project can take away a lot of the headaches and risks typically associated with expansion joints.
In this article we explain eight key attributes to consider when choosing an expansion joint cover manufacturer.
1. Trust – Trust is vital when it comes to expansion joint covers as you need to trust that a manufacturer’s expansion joint cover supplied will perform to specification. Expansion joint cover problems can be costly to put right, as replacing faulty expansion joint covers and fixing any cracking or structural damage will far exceed the original cost of the expansion joint covers.
2. Experience – Before choosing a manufacturer supplier, ask to see case studies from similar projects to yours or request a site visit. A site visit will allow you to see an expansion joint cover in action, however site visits aren’t always possible due to time constraints, so case studies are the next best thing. Additionally, requesting contact details and talking to existing clients from the manufacturer can also be helpful.
3. Attitude – Manufacturers should be there to help you, providing information and assistance when you need it. If you’re unsure of what expansion joint cover to use in your project, ask the manufacturer what they recommend. A good manufacturer will be more than willing to help, offering suggestions that could not only save you money on the cost of the joint cover, but also in maintenance costs later down the line.
4. Manufacture quality – Choosing a good quality product is always important, but especially so with expansion joint covers. An expansion joint cover failure can be very costly, often leading to permanent structural damage. Look for a manufacturer with a track record of supplying expansion joint covers to a wide range of high profile projects.
5. Warranty – Warranties give a clear indication of a manufacturers confidence in their products. Look for a warranty of two years or more when choosing your manufacturer; it should give you confidence that the products will be of a good quality.
6. Operations – When looking for a manufacturer you should investigate their product supply operations. Do they manufacture to order, employ a just-in-time stock policy, or do they hold stock? A company that holds stock can give you confidence that you will receive your product on-site and on time, avoiding the delays that can add unnecessary cost to a project.
7. Range – A key question is whether the manufacturer has a wide range of products to choose from? If not you run the risk of being pigeonholed into an inappropriate choice of joint cover, because there isn’t a model that fits your needs. Every project is different, so it’s important to be able to choose from a large range of expansion joint covers to ensure the right product is selected for your project. Experienced manufacturers may also be able to adapt standard expansion joint covers to suit requirements.
8. Knowledge – Knowledge and experience really go hand in hand; but manufacturers should know everything about their products, how they perform, where they can (and can’t) be used, and what tolerances they can work to. A manufacturer should also be able to offer advice on related subjects such as the right screeds to use, how best to form a block-out for a recessed joint, and what fire barrier you need for a fire rated wall. A manufacturers knowledge can be a valuable resource that you can call upon during your project.
Tip: Easily remember the 8 attributes of a good expansion joint cover manufacturer with acronym TEAMWORK. For an even easier to remember acronym, just think CS 😉
At Construction Specialties (CS) we are proud to say we offer:
- More than 40 years experience with Expansion Joint Covers
- Trained staff who know all there is to know about expansion joint covers and associated works
- The most comprehensive range of covers in the world
- Support at every stage of the selection process, right through to the technicalities of installation
- An in-house installation team who can install any of our joints