Large amounts of dirt and moisture can enter a shopping centre of store on the soles of shoes, trolleys and wheelchairs. According to industry experts, it can cost as much as £800 to remove a kilogram of dirt once it has spread throughout the building. Bear in mind that one person can bring in, on average, 0.58 grams of dirt per day. This means that 11 kilograms of dirt can be tracked in by only 1000 people coming through an entrance over a 20-day work period.
This can quickly add up to some staggering numbers over a year, even for buildings with moderate volumes of foot and wheeled traffic.
1500 people can remove as much as 42% of the finish from a hard floor

Ceramic, stone, textile, wood, laminate or vinyl – it makes no difference what type of floor finish has been installed, its appearance and ultimately its structure will deteriorate from the effects of wet and dry soiling tracked into the building on the soles of shoes and tyre treads of wheeled traffic. Without an effective entrance mat, 42% of a floor’s finish in the first 1.8 metres of the entrance can be worn away by just 1500 people walking across it.
Reduced longevity and premature replacement of a floor finish can have a huge impact on maintenance budgets, not to mention the hassle of having to replace the whole floor.
An effective entrance matting system can trap up to 80% of dirt at the door, helping to reduce overall maintenance costs and keep the interior clean and safe.
Introducing Pedisystems® Entrance Matting
Our range of entrance matting systems suits all budgets and applications, from the exceptionally luxurious to the more modest entrances.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications, the Pedisystems® range is a cost effective, versatile range that will help to reduce slip incidents on internal floors, extend the life of interior floor finishes and minimise internal cleaning costs.