One Snowhill – Birmingham, UK
Offering great durability and strength, CS Pedimat® Ultra entrance matting has been installed at the stunning One Snowhill office building in Birmingham.
Comcast Technology Center – Philadelphia, USA
CS supplied Gridline entrance flooring to the new Comcast Technology Centre in Philadelphia. The project architects also used Gridline for architectural accents throughout the building.
Met Office Supercomputer Complex – Exeter, UK
CS supplied and installed a range of bespoke louvre systems to provide the new state of the art Met Office Supercomputer Complex with Natural Ventilation.
The Garment Factory, 10 Montrose Street – Glasgow, UK
To protect the interior floor surfaces and to reduce the cleaning and maintenance costs throughout the building, CS Pedimat Ultra entrance matting was specified.
Menai Science Park – Anglesey, Wales
CS Acrovyn TP300 Rub Rails were specified for all circulation spaces throughout the facility, offering Light Duty protection for the walls.